Presented by Greg Toews, Astara President and Head Reverend
This is the Foundation of The Astara Mystery School
- Learn technique to bring deeper levels of connection to the people in your life
-Increase a deeper connection to the “inner you”
- Deepen your sense of inner peace
- Reduce anxiety
- Heighten your intuitive capabilities
- Increase your ability to help yourself and help others
- Diminish “patterns”in your life
- Practice techniques that slow down the aging process
- Strengthen your ability for self healing and prolonged focus of your attention
- Discover and enhance your innate ability to direct the “power of prayer”
- Improve your ability to overcome obstacles
Increase your healing abilities in the other healing modalities you already practice
- Accelerate your ability to manifest in your life
- Begin the process for certification as an Astara Light Practitioner